Videos That Help You Stand Out and Connect

Froth & Fur makes videos that help you stand out and connect with your audience. We make them for screens that can fill stadiums or fit in the palm of your hand (and everything in between).

We're big enough that we've won more than 30 awards and worked with over a dozen Fortune 500s. And we're small enough so you get a partnership with transparency, access, and accountability.

3D animated social media video
A digital commercial, made in New York City.
B2C brand video production company LA NYC SF
Corporate videos, brand films, social media videos. Made in Los Angeles and New York.
Educational video production San Francisco
San Francisco video production company
TV commercials and brand film, made in Los Angeles
An animation for a production launch.
TV commercials and brand film, made in Los Angeles
A docuseries, made in Los Angeles and Ohio.
A docuseries about breakfast in the classroom, made in New York, Los Angeles, and Boston MA
Docuseries about Autism. Documentary film about John Wooden. More.
Bay Area video production company
A digital commercial, made in New York City

Proven & Trusted

When the stakes are high you want a video agency that delivers. Froth & Fur is trusted by brands you know- like MassMutual, PepsiCo, CapitalOne, and BMW. Plus brands you'll know soon.

We're also a secret weapon for agencies of all kinds.

We've helped a Fortune 500 double their B2B audience- twice. We've helped big companies launch products and new brands crush their funding goals. We help ad agencies make all kinds of content from social media ads to 3D animated billboards. We've even helped a startup make a big splash at TechCrunch.

a Partnership You'll Love

Because we don't cut corners and we don't do red tape. We are transparent, accessible, and accountable all the way through. Giving you a partnership that's one of the best you'll ever have.

Contact Us
What I love most about them is that they treat us like a  partner, not just a client. They genuinely cared about the success of each video we created and the impact they had on our users and  engagement. They had a deep understanding of our brand and positioning,  which made it easier to work together.
- Nicole Sampson, MassMutual Coverpath