How a Fortune 500 Doubled Its Users... Twice!

We worked with their in-house marketing and communications team to double the Fortune 500's B2B users- twice.

How It Started

Our first project with MassMutual Coverpath was a show-stopping, cinema-quality brand launch video for their biggest conference of the year. That partnership was so successful that they brought us in as their video agency to help them with bigger challenges.

Specifically, they asked us to help them create video content that would double their user base. They told us their numbers and their target. We helped them meet and exceed their goals. In fact, we helped Coverpath double their users- twice!

The Challenge

Coverpath is a state-of-the-art, industry-leading life insurance platform. But life insurance and innovation don't always go together. The industry was deeply invested in the old way of doing things and potential users were wary of making big changes to how they do business.

Our challenge was to get more advisors to use the platform. Specifically, the challenge was to more than double the platform's user base over a 12 month period.

How Success Was Measured

  1. Number of financial advisors who actively used the platform. Active use meant not only signing up for the platform, but also using the platform for real-life end clients.
  2. A successful Net Promotor Score (NPS) from the financial advisors regarding the platform.

How We Did It

It's important to note that the client's sales & marketing teams employed a variety of approaches to meet their goals. What we did was not done in a vacuum.

First, we met with them at their New York office on multiple occasions to learn about their needs.

Those conversations, which were with key decision makers at the C-Suite, VP, and Senior Marketing Manager levels, gave us a deep understanding of how their industry and their business worked.

We supplemented these in-person meetings with more than a dozen telephone interviews with handpicked current platform users. We wanted to learn as much as we could about these users' challenges with the platform as well as their successes.

We came away with several insights after this research, which we shared with the client in a second round of meetings.

The strategy was to deliver a variety of videos and stories to the advisors:

  • First, we inspired them with highly-polished, cinema-quality tentpole videos. The advisors were the heroes of these stories, and we positioned Coverpath as the secret weapon to help them grow their business and increase their end clients' trust. These were inspirational videos meant for wide distribution.
  • Second, we helped educate them with explainer videos. Because no matter how intuitive a platform is, users appreciate a more detailed, nuts-and-bolts explanation of how things work.
  • Third, we gave the advisors TV commercial quality sales & marketing videos they could use to help their end clients understand how Coverpath can help simplify and speed the life insurance experience.

The story and production value for these videos had to be high, with plenty of polish. Our audience was sophisticated, and delivering high story and production values helped cement the high-end value that Coverpath brings to their practices. We wrote and created each of these videos in-house, with Patrick Ortman at the helm.


We helped them to more than double the user base in a 12 month period, with a successful NPS score. This led to the client engaging us as their video agency for a multi-year period, where we continued to help them grow the platform's success and double their users (again!) among their financial services advisor audience.