Jamie's breakroom hijinks do not amuse Diane.
This is another one of those situations where a brand (in this case, a law firm in the DC/Baltimore area) believed in me and I got to bring some of myself to the game. They'd done a lot of commercials in the past but they wanted something different. So we talked. And they had a good start of an idea for one of the commercials. But they had nothing for the second. So they set me loose.
The deal was, the commercial had to be about an Uber/rideshare accident and the budget was set. So we needed a TV commercial that could be shot in only a few hours, using the actors and location we'd already locked in for the first commercial.
This is what came out. I pulled from my comedy background and my awesome LA team backed me up bigtime on set. The actors? They were fantastic. Each of them "got it".And by the end of the day, the client was already planning our next shoot together.